21 Secrets

21 secrets to profitable websites - ArmitageInc.com

Position your  website for much greater profit in this comprehensive document, “21 Secrets to Profitable Websites.”

Direct from Founder Diane Armitage, and delivered in a recent keynote speech, “21 Secrets” shows you how to build your foundational marketing piece – your website – with the same easy-to-add leverage points and strategies used by today’s global, profit-making leaders.

For just $10, “21 Secrets to Profitable Websites” will reveal …

  • The basics before you even begin to create a site … or begin fixing a lame site (brand messaging, keyword research,  domain name strategies and more)
  • The only three ways to make money in a business, period, and how it applies to building your website
  • Determining your three Biggest Deals (the “BDs”) in your marketing strategy
  • Home page strategies that mean the difference between buyers and passer-bys
  • Content strategies that slay prospects and search engine robots alike
  • The secret of third party endorsements and how to collect, display and encourage more
  • Why blogging is your ace in the hole against your competitors and how to leverage this secret agent
  • The real truth about fill-in forms on your site
  • Cross selling and upselling  without hanging your prospects out to dry
  • Why SEO makes all the rules … and how you play by its rules and toe the line, simply and effectively
  • Social business and connection – where to display, and how to get creative for exponential fans

21 Secrets to Profitable Websites” is a downloadable PDF for just $10.  Buy Now

Armitage, Inc., an established leader in website, brand and marketing strategy for 22 years, has created more than 400 websites in 36 industries. As marketing experts FIRST, every Armitage, Inc. website is a strategic marketing machine, serving as the “smart hub” to every successful Online Marketing Initiative and Offline Marketing Initiative you can take.

Your website will make or break your business. “21 Secrets” shows you how to win.

21 Secrets” for just $10!    Buy Now