For those of you who pile the equivalent of a Texas landfill onto your website, this BLOG entry is not for you. I have plenty of ideas for you to help you make it easier for your prospect, but you’ll have to stand in line. Today, I’m addressing the folks who say they can’t figure out what to put on their website.

This is easy. What is it that you provide in your real world of service to your clientele?

What kind of marketing tactics do you currently employ for prospects? Just about anything (short of you standing around in a bird costume outside your place of business) is transferable to the web. . . .

No. I see what you’re doing out there. I am already emphatically shaking my head at you. You’re wrong. You DO do plenty of stuff and you do it in a unique way. So sit down with a pen and paper and start figuring it out.

  • If you’re a hair stylist, an auto mechanic, a bonsai tree guy, or a window washer . . . anything that requires upkeep in some way shape or form through the year . . . get your clients’ permission to put them into your online database so that you can send them eblast reminders attached to a product or service special that expires in two weeks. Tell ’em that the product bonus will be reserved for them as soon as they call and make their next appointment. Allow them to sign in and pay for service, then upsell them into 4 services a year or monthly service at a substantial discount. These days, it’s all about the residual monthly income, right?
  • If you’re a Realtor providing Market Updates on what’s moving in your market (i.e. just listeds, foreclosures, prices, whatever), save the postage stamp. In your next few mailings of your Market Update, invite your prospects to a more updated electronic version of the same with a couple whiz bang bonuses attached. In very short order, you’re not going to be mailing any longer and – even better – you have an electronic database to being marketing to.
  • If you’re a donut maker, send them to your site for a printable coupon that might not have anything to do with donuts, but MIGHT have something to do with the deli next door who’s working a joint venture with you.
  • If you’re a speaker, don’t let your prospects just call in to request a DVD or speaker pack. And don’t force your clients into filling out your PAPER questionnaire about their listening audience. Send all these people to your website for easy sign-in to dig into all the materials you’ve offered prospects and clients over the phone.

Narrow it down to just two or three items.

These are what I refer to as your Big Ds – Your Biggest Desires, the main reason why you’re trying to drive these people to your site. Now you have your beginning – see? That’s the easy part!

I’m still offering my 1-hour over-the-phone consultation to you for just $199. We review what you’re doing, discuss your frustrations, and start fixing things immediately. Just the thing you need to get that web site dusted off and freshened for spring’s new prospects (and believe me, they’re out there). Just go to my web site and you’ll see “Fresh Perspective” in the top navigation bar for the $199 special. Let’s talk soon!